Archived Letter – 950

Dear Editor

re: Processed meat can cause colon cancer, World Health Organization says.

Why do humans eat meat and processed meat?
In addition to the great apes, the family Hominidae includes our species, Homo sapiens
Most species are omnivorous, but fruit is the preferred food among all but some human groups. Chimpanzees and orangutans primarily eat fruit. When gorillas run short of fruit at certain times of the year or in certain regions, they resort to eating shoots and leaves, often of bamboo, a type of grass. Gorillas have extreme adaptations for chewing and digesting such low-quality forage, but they still prefer fruit when it is available, often going miles out of their way to find especially preferred fruits. Humans, since the neolithic revolution, consume mostly cereals and other starchy foods, including increasingly highly processed foods, as well as many other domesticated plants (including fruits) and meat.
Based on what the apes prefer to eat I think that humans should eat what the apes eat and skip meat altogether.
-Peter Flemming
65 Balmoral Drive,
Guelph, ON N1E 3N7

Peter Flemming