Archived Letter – 914

Speed bumps at schools.
Schools should be a safe environment for children and speed signs exist for a reason right? Well sometimes it doesn’t really seem like it. Speed bumps create safer environments for both drivers and pedestrians! They save drivers from speeding tickets and lower the chance of driver errors. They create safer walks home for students, and make life a little easier for school buses. People just seem to not care as much for kids these days. Society has changed impacts on many people. Police have also had to patrol school areas more often. Schools should have speed bumps in front of them because they create safer environments for children, school buses and drivers. They also prevent speeding tickets and keeps traffic flowing.
First of all, lots of students walk to and from school everyday, Right at the busiest times of day. People rushing to work in the morning, and rush hour in the afternoon don’t help with this problem. People rush and panic, causing them to speed and not think about their surroundings. At the same time, people are just self-centered! Children shouldn’t have to risk their lives just to get to school and back! Speed bumps cause the drivers to slow down on the main school’s street making it safer for walkers (and bikers) to cross because of the slow speed and the wait for them to cross will be shorter. Having speed bumps will also lower the risk of students being hit.
Okay…. Of course speed bumps damage your car if you drive to fast over them, but would you rather kill a child over your car being a damaged? Speed signs exist for a reason, to alert us of the maximum recommended speed for a certain zone. There not there to completely ignore! Having speed bumps will save drivers tickets, because they would be driving at a safe speed to stop for a student! If your car gets damaged because of speed bumps, it’s your fault. There is no excuse for risking a child’s life. Having speed bumps will also lower the risk of children getting hit and possibly killed by cars because the slow speed of the school zone would allow cars to stop in time if a child runs out on to the street.
Additionally, speed bumps will make school buses entrances and exits a little easier. First, school buses would not be allowed to speed in to the bus lane. The drivers would learn to be more aware and careful when entering and exit school property (due to the damage speed bumps can cause at a fast speed). As well as school bus drivers being more aware, car drivers would be aware too! Traffic would be more organized and simple because drivers would not be able to cut others off, pass, or force others to speed, making the drivers think about their surroundings and their driver actions.
Finally, speed bumps would be a great investment for the community. Keeping kids safe when their walking to school, making bus drivers drive safer, and keeping car drivers out of debt. Who doesn’t want that? Everyone wants to live in a safer town!

This letter was an editorial project for school last year that I wrote.

Griffin, 13yrs

Griffin Anderson