Archived Letter – 886

RE: Aggregates needed- Letter to the Editor- July 10/15
Mr. Sweetnam is one hundred percent correct when he says “quarries create civilization”. Without them we would not have the Pyramids, the Taj Mahal,Michelangelo’s David, the great cathedrals of Europe, Butchardt Gardens or our own sturdy homes or roadways. The Aquaducts did indeed separate clean water from waste for the citizens of the Roman Empire and those same techniques improved over the centuries and are used to this very day. Our own CN Tower was a continuous concrete pour of one full year (Feb 73-Feb 74) accomplished by 1500 workers and was deemed one of the modern Seven Wonders of the World in 1995!
Just like the citizens of Cararra, Italy and Beaucaire in France, we who live on the Niagara Escarpment should be very proud of our quarrying heritage.
Doreen Henschel

Doreen Henschel