Archived Letter – 882

In response to “Not the Time Nor Place”

Dear Editor,

With regards to “Not the Time Nor Place”, it sounds like Friends of Elora were doing exactly what makes Canadians Canadians, speaking out in a peaceful manner; freedom of speech. They were celebrating Canada Day by doing exactly what this country gives us the freedom to do. As Canadians, we need to think about what it really means to be Canadian and what it means to celebrate this privileged title. Standing by with closed eyes and ears while decisions are made for us by others does not sound like the Canada I belong to. I belong to a Canada where citizens peaceful educate themselves, inform one another, peacefully protest and with small actions are continually changing our communities and our nation for the better. Canada is far from perfect but more and more we prove that we are willing to stand up for what we believe is ‘right’ based on our core values and morals; THAT is Canadian. What does your Canada look like?

Meghan McMorris