Archived Letter – 881

Dear Editor
For 45 seconds or so last week I entered a parallel universe. At least that is what I thought.
I was on social media and stumbled onto what seemed like a commercial. But surely it couldn’t be. It showed ISIS terrorist propaganda images – stills and music from videos of beheadings and caged drownings. The same images ISIS produces to terrorize people in North Africa and radicalize young men and women. The same images meant to undermine free Western societies. What was the source of these images?
Then the real shocker. It was a Conservative Party attack ad! Yes, this was the Party of Mr. Chong and Mr. Harper broadcasting ISIS terrorist images. What in the world were they thinking!
So the Conservatives want to scare whom? The families of those Canadian military men and women currently in Iraq and Syria? Their Conservative core voters? All Canadians? And are they just blind to the suffering of the families of victims of past ISIS terrorist acts because they live half way across the world?
My message to Mr. Chong and Mr. Harper. Stop exposing my family, friends and fellow Canadians to your propaganda attack ads! You are in Canada. And yes, I am angry!
Peter van Vloten
Fergus Ontario

Peter van Vloten