Archived Letter – 878

We wish to add our voices to the chorus of approval for MPP Ted Arnott’s proposal to expand Wellington County’s Green Legacy province-wide, with the goal of planting 150 million trees for Canada’s and Ontario’s 150th anniversary in 2017.

As Mr. Arnott noted, Wellington County’s Green Legacy Programme originated in 2004, from Reeve Brad Whitcombe and CAO Scott Wilson’s ‘simple’ plan to plant 150,000 trees in celebration of Wellington County’s 150th anniversary. From there, the Green Legacy has continued and to date, over one million trees have been planted. The program even caught the attention of the United Nations as the largest municipal tree planting program in North America, and was recognized under the U N’s International Billion Tree campaign.

We support Mr Arnott in his ambitious plan to make Ontario a little greener and hope the province, municipalities, counties and political parties will join in supporting its realization.

Dave Rodgers Brent Bouteiller
Aberfoyle, ON Fergus , ON

Dave Roderge