Archived Letter – 877

Dear Editor:
On June 28th Ontarians awakened to a further erosion of our rights, namely, the right of freedom of movement. Commuters were under drone surveillance. Dozens of OPP in cruisers, unmarked cars and motorcycles were waiting to pounce on those just trying to get to work. It reminded me of the Berlin Wall which went up overnight in August 1961. Citizens awoke to find their movements severely restricted, cut off from families, homes and jobs.
Ontario taxpayers paid for these roads and now, suddenly,we are being denied full access to our property.The Liberal government has no right to do this to the citizens it works for. I fail to see how this creates jobs or fosters tourism, something the government repeatedly insists it promotes.
This move is being blamed (National Post Jul 3) on poor Pan Am ticket sales, low tourism and empty hotel rooms in Toronto. People are anxious and angry and who can blame them. What is the point in all this? Could it be to get us used to the chaos so that when the games are over the HOV’s will be deemed a rousing success and made permanent? The road signs and paintjobs look pretty permanent to me.
My question is, what’s next? High Occupancy Housing- HOH?
” Dear Mr. Smith: It has come to our attention through our drone surveillance program hat you currently have two lightly used bedrooms in your three bedroom detached dwelling.We have need of accommodation for two recent parolees.At 5 AM tomorrow you will welcome them with open arms and a hot breakfast. Not to worry, this arrangement is only temporary. WINK… WINK.
Yours truly, Senior Analyst, Wynne Housing Occupancy Authority or WHOA”.
Doreen Henschel

Doreen Henschel