Archived Letter – 847

Family Values!
I am so ting here watching the news, and I see a group of people who are pulling their kids from school as a protest against the new sex-Ed curriculum. I couldn’t help but notice that the whole group are “New Canadians”, and this angered me. When I go to a friends house, I don’t make them move the furniture around to suit me, and I don’t tell them how to raise their children. Over the years we have seen numerous changes to our laws and traditions, including a change to our RCMP uniform, just to suit new Canadians and their beliefs. I’m not saying to stop immigration. This country was built on immigration from all over the world, and they all signed up to be Canadian, not change things to suit them. Nobody forgot their heritage, but they came here for a new life and a new start. I think it is about time we as Canadians start standing up for our heritage, and remind people that they come here to be Candian. We have an awesome beautiful country with great health care and education, which I guess is one of the reasons they come here. It time that Canadians start fighting for our Values, Heritage and History, and stop changing to suit someone else. It doesn’t make sense to change what we have into something they are running from.

Ken Stanley