Archived Letter – 832

Letter to Michael Chong RE: Bill C-51 Protest March 14th
Dear Mr. Chong:
I applaud you for facing the protesters in Fergus on March 14th and answering their questions before reaffirming your support of Bill C-51. I agree that we live in times requiring updated laws to deal with serious threats to Canadian security. I support the extension of the airstrike mission in Syria and Iraq for as long as it takes. I support the removal of the niquab when taking the oath of citizenship ( we wouldn’t think of allowing a KKK member to wear his hood while taking that oath, now would we?). I am proud of the fact that our Conservative government is with Israel 100%. You guys are doing a great job, are leading the world in these efforts and are showing the toughness of Canadians. The current resident of the White House to our south should take note! As should Mr. Mulcair and Mr Trudeau!
One of the protesters wrote a letter to the editor in the March 20th Wellington Advertiser ( Against Bill C-51- Peter Scott ) stating reasons for the opposition. ” Canadians who fear being targeted include First Nations, environmentalists and union leaders”. There is no difference in my mind between blowing up a pipeline, derailing a train carrying crude or blowing train tracks carrying people. There is no difference between blocking roads and tracks, pulling down hydro lines, occupying subdivisions (Caledonia) and then taking them over and roughing up the legitimate residents. As for union leaders–well, Occupy Wall Street Mister Anonymous! There doesn’t appear to be a shred of concern for the people who are being crucified, burned alive, beheaded, blown up while they worship or the millions of refugies fleeing into the void with just the clothes on their backs. What about them and what about us? The different ideologies have the exact same goal.
Please stay the course in the face of adversity and I’m with you all the way.
Doreen Henschel

Doreen Henschel