Archived Letter – 766

Dear Editor:
Elora the beautiful.
We planned to retire in Elora the place where people are so very friendly and we did. But Life had planned something else for us then just plain retirement.
My husband had a massive stroke and is confined to a wheelchair most of the time. Within minutes our whole life changed. After many month of waiting in the hospital for an opening to a longterm-care facility I took my husband home instead.
It was and still is very hard as we have no family here but our neighbours stepped in and have become our friends and family to us. We are grateful for their generous helping hands, may it be mental support by visiting, dropping off food, snow shoveling early in the morning or late in the evening. To all the ones I mentioned and also the ones I might have forgotten we say thank you so much.
I strongly believe there is no other place where people reach out and help where help is needed.

Herta Wunder