Archived Letter – 753

Mr. Carneys letter ‘Bullying tactics’ (Nov 14) asks: “Yes, Hitler was terrible for exterminating Jews, but what is Israel doing now to Palestinians?”. Sir, as a gentile, let me tell you what they are not doing.
Israelis are not transporting Palestinians by the hundreds of thousands in cattle and box cars to camps with names like Belzec, Chelmno and Treblinka. They are not separating mothers with their children (less fuss), the aged and infirm, sending them to showers and the subsequent crematoria. They are not taking the able-bodied employing them as slave labour and finishing them off through exhaustion, malnutrition and disease or if all else fails declaring them (in official parlance) “used up” to be executed at the side of the roadway they’ve just completed.
Jews alongside their Moslem brethren medically work together to save every life before them. They don’t use the opportunity to perform barbaric and inhuman experimentation with prisoners.
Israelis don’t truck entire communities to ravines like Babi Yar and spend spend 2 days, at over 15,000 dead/day, solving the ‘Palestinian Question’ with a Final Solution.
Sir, they just don’t. Comparing, linking or equating within the same sentence victims of such atrocities, and rest assured great multitudes more forgotten to time, to their abusers is morally offensive. I expect better.
If Mr. Carney truely believes in his heart that “extremists become extreme (when) they are forced to suffer occupation, killing, torture and constant bombing” why was there not a wave of beheadings by European Jewry and their sympathizers worldwide after 1945? They obviously would have had an excuse.

Jeff Cormack