Archived Letter – 746

Re: Proposed fire station upgrades would spell end for public hall rentals, Oct 10

Should we risk the lives of our firefighters for the sake of Thursday night Bingo? I think not. The fire station renovations must be made despite the fact there will be an end to public hall rentals.
According to the fire station officers, the MFFFA already has immediate access to $7000 if the project is agreed to by the council and they “could make it go a long way”. “I don’t think they’re asking for a Taj Mahal,” has been said by Mayor Ray Tout about the project. A simple renovation is all that is needed to make the station safe for the firefighters like the way they deserve.
The firefighters deserve a safe working environment. Do they not take enough risks already? “diesel particles break down the thermal barrier in the turnout gear,” according to Jason Benn of the MFFFA. If the thermal barrier is gone, the gear is nothing more than a simple uniform. “The diesel exhaust is mainly composed of unburned fuels and oils, which can cause cancer.” The firefighters should focus on fighting fires, not cancer.
In conclusion, the fire station needs to be upgraded even if this means we need to find a new place for bingo night.

Scott Okkema