Archived Letter – 745

Here is something that the new council needs to deal with.

Before I voted, I took the time to use the MPAC website to check that I was on the voter’s list. I was very disappointed to find that it is very difficult to confirm your name because it requires that you enter your name and address exactly as appears in their database.

Having spent thirty years developing software for libraries, I know that it is not necessary to have to enter text exactly as it is recorded in the database in order to successfully find a record. If it was, Google would not be as useful as it is.

When I eventually did find my record, I was shocked to find that I could specify whether I am a Public or Separate school tax supporter. There is no login or any other form of verification for this. This means that anyone can change any other person’s school tax support. This question should be removed from the website unless it is protected.

These two issues need to change before the next election.

George Loney