Archived Letter – 741

Dear Editor:

Once again the Ontario Liberal Government is being disingenuous with the truth with the recent hydro rate increase anouncement.

They claim that the peak hour rate increase is only 3.7% going from 13.5 to 14.0 cents per KWH. However, they are comparing this rate increase for the winter season to the summer rates. Summer rates are always higher than winter rates to help out those who heat their homes with hydro. They should have been comparing these new rates to last year’s winter rates. In this case the 14.0 cents per KWH is an increase of 8.5% compared to last winter’s 12.9 cents per KWH. The same applies for the off and mid peak rates. The actual increases for them are 6.9%, not 2.7% for off peak and 4.6%, not 1.8% for mid peak as this government claims.

Whatever happened to the transparency in government that Premier Wynne promised us around this time last year?

Bill Roest
Ballinafad, ON

Bill Roest