Archived Letter – 734

Thank You Thank You
We are just wishing to publicly thanks wonderful person!
We went out for our final camping trip this past weekend in Port Elgin when the starter on out truck decided to die. With it being after hours we had to wait till Saturday morning. When standing at our truck with the hood up this wonderful person shows up, Dave Geddes from Alma. He tried a few things with no luck but told us not to worry he would look at it in the morning. Just after nine Saturday morning Dave knocks on our trailer door for the keys and before we knew it the old starter was off and he was replacing it with one we purchased in Port Elgin. What could have been quite the expensive towing of our truck and trailer back home was replaced with meeting Dave. Sure is wonderful to know that not all is bad in this world and that wonderful people still exist.
Thanks Dave Geddes

The Uhrig’s
Peter Kim and Michael

Kim and Peter Uhrig