Archived Letter – 696

A lighthearted rant (but a rant nonetheless) and comments on current issues.

Why is $6,000,000.00 (plus plus plus)of our money being spent on the Fergus library when it reduces many parking spots, causing local businesses to suffer and as a result hurting downtown Fergus. Ironically the few people who want to visit the library won’t be able to find parking. This is in an age where more and more people sign out E-books electronically and less and less go to the library. Can you imagine how many streets and roads could be fixed with $6,000,000.00??? I know it’s too late but I have a hard time understanding the logic.

The council and mayor in Erin sure seem to be challenged. Entertaining to read about the ongoing soap opera they bring us every week. They don’t mind paying part of the county costs to the Fergus Library but don’t want to spend money on county hospitals. Go figure.

Street and road signs. Do we really need to be so cluttered with signs? I live on a street where there are

Riverfest in Elora and truck pull in Elora the same night! Are organizers not talking to each other? This happened 2 years ago also. The rumbling sounds of the truck pull mixing in with the sounds of the concert do not mix well. Unbelievable!

Streets and sewers. Every year a number of streets are dug up and upgrades made to sewer and water. Wonderful. Perfect opportunity to now bury hydro, cable, telephone wires etc. would you not think? But no. So the street looks great, curbs look great and we still have the old poles and saggy wires above. I don’t get it. Bring on another ice storm

Frederick W. deVries