Archived Letter – 695

Dear Sir, I recently attended a Centre WEllington Council meeting as an interested party as Councilman Kelly Linton was presenting a motion on an Economic Impact Study related to the construction of the new Library in downtown Fergus. Instead of listening to what I had hoped would be some intelligent discussion of the motion I was treated to an incredible slight of hand by the Mayor and Councilwoman Mary LLoyd.
Using a seldom employed tactic designed to limit discussion of a motion from dragging on for hours our esteemed representatives on completion of the reading of the motion by the Mayor shut down any discussion at all and the motion was squashed instantly. This procedure known as “Calling the Question”, was in this case wrongly applied and just adds to the growing list of manipulations used by a small cadre of elected officials who for some reason seem to be obsessed with this Library expansion.
Much has alredy been said about the size of this project and the damage it will cause and I note with interest that 54% of respondents to your recent poll on this topic agree.
Sincerely Gord Jarrett

Gordon Jarrett