Archived Letter – 686

Dear Editor
Today on my way to the Canada Day celebrations at the arena, I stopped at the downtown Fergus Tim Hortons for a beverage. A patient young man in the line ahead of me proceeded to politely ask the hostess for a glass of water. After consulting with another co-worker, who stated that the manager, or supervisor earlier in the day had instructed them not to serve water to anyone,
refused his request.
It had been a hot and humid day, the young man was polite and looked thirsty.
He proceeded to leave, but I told him to wait as I would purchase him a bottle of water. I did, and he was kind and thanked me.
I find it disappointing for a company who brands itself as neighbourly, and will give a dog a free TimBit, yet not a person a cup of water on a hot humid day. Shame on them.

Cameron McGill