Archived Letter – 685

Dear Editor

With the election in the past it is now time to look forward with the Liberals to the future as they lead our province, whether you voted for them or not. Sadly the realization of their poor leadership is already coming to light.

Bill Roest asks legitimate questions concerning ORPP and how Kathleen Wynne plans on dealing with the retirement problem, with nary an answer. He can’t even get a generic ‘thank-you for your inquiry’ letter regurgitated from one of Dan Zisters assistants.

The answer is simple Mr. Roest. They are going to take a bigger cut from everyone’s pay cheques. If they plan on spending more money to assist one area of life, they need to take it from somewhere, don’t they? After all we are a province operating on a budget that continues to increase our debt. Kathleen should take notes from our own local government.

The township of Center Wellington manages to make money simply from interest alone. Imagine that, money IN the bank makes more money. Just look at the actual 2013 budget under ‘revenues’. Someone explain to me why Centre Wellington Hydro is making $365,890 on equity interest? I didn’t know a hydro company has equity. With that and other revenues, the township made well over 4.5 million last year. Amazing.

I am even more amazed when looking at the voters numbers. Only 52% of the voters came out to participate. What shocks me is the 39% of those votes the Liberals got for 58 seats. Someone should conduct a survey to find out what percentage of that 52% turn out is public sector. I would imagine the number is in the 39% range.

I guess with a government as large as ours, rigging an election isn’t needed anymore. The results are already determined.

So don’t be surprised Mr. Roest if you never get the answers from our government. They only care about campaigning.

Doug Vanderveen

Doug Vanderveen