Archived Letter – 608

Just a thank you to all who helped.

A few days before Christmas 2013

Twas a few days before Christmas
When all over the house
Freezing rain started pelting
Over an inch of a douse

The icicles were hung
On the eves with great care
Giant shining spears
To be dodged by those who dare

The neighbours were nestled
All snug in their beds
While visions of hydro
Danced in their heads

And mamma in her snuggly
And I in my pants
Had just got the flashlights
And called hydro by chance

When out on our lawn
There arose such a clatter
I tripped over the dog
To see what was the matter

Out of the frozen window
I looked through my glasses
Flinching each time
I heard the tree crashes

The moon on the breast
Of the new fallen trees
Made my back ache already
Lift out of the knees

When what to my wondering
Eyes should appear
But our hydro vendor
With crew and full gear

More rapid than eagles
There trucks they came
The branches they cut
The connection they made

Flashing lights
So bright and so quick
My hydro restored
Like a wave of St. Nick

So with us all sorted
Heat and some light
The rest we could help
To make their lives bright

So we checked on all
Who lived close and we knew
Help was needed
By more than a few

We pulled out a tractor
And loaded some wood
Scrapped out driveways
As much as we could

A thermos of tea
Jugs of water for you
A generator in tow
With an electrician too

We warmed your heart
As well as your toes
Made paths for your horses
Chipped out doors frozen with bows

And laughter rang out
The path to true love
Every fall on the ice
A hand, a lift from above

We should all be broken
Like the limbs of the trees
With the falls and cold
Our disappointment of needs

And the gifts with the wrapping
The piles of stuff
Didn’t matter to any
With conditions so tough

We sprang from ourselves
To be so much more
To embody Christmas
Open our hearts and our doors

And we heard all exclaim
As we slid out of sight
Merry Christmas to all
And our thanks for tonight!

Thank you EMS, Hydro and all who brought the true spirit of Christmas to life!

The Lanes

Ronda Lane