Archived Letter – 552

In Ted Arnott’s column (“Paths to Prosperity”) I couldn’t help but notice a very small paragraph about workplace democracy.

My Local Union of approximately 7,000 members currently has elections every 3 years for officers: President, Vice-President, Business Manager, Business Agents, Secretary Treasurer, Inside Guard, Recording Secretary, Executive Board members, Trustees, and Finance Committee members. Most of the positions are non-paid.

As per our Constitution, our International Representatives are elected every 5 years at our General Convention. The Delegates from each Local Union that vote for our International Representatives are again elected from the rank-and-file of each Local Union.

On job-sites, we are represented by Stewards, again, elected from the members who are working on that job.

Finally, all donations to third parties (political and non-political) are approved by the membership at our monthly meetings.

So my question to Mr. Arnott is: Exactly how are you going to make my workplace more “democratic”?

Brent Hunt