Archived Letter – 523

Dear Editor,

We’re writing as members of the Elora Sculpture Project. For the first time in our three year history, three sculptures have been vandalized in one week. We are embarrassed that the artists’ trust, which is so important to our initiative, has been jeopardized by these careless or malevolent acts.

These artists have brought their creativity, their heart, to our beautiful village. Their sculptures are given on loan, free of charge, for our enjoyment. If we want to see this program continue and expand, we’ll have to be ready to keep an eye out on their behalf. What do you say, shall we come together as a community watch and make sure our sculptures aren’t damaged again?

I’ll leave you with a quote passed along to us by our councilor Kirk McElwain, “Elora is a beautiful town that obviously embraces its arts and culture. The sculptures strategically placed throughout the town invite you to browse leisurely, sit and relax, or simply entice you to plan a return visit. The Elora Sculpture Project is an inspiration to other communities.” – Steve McArthur, EDO – City of North Bay.

Thank you,
Randi Vann and Jim Reed

Randi Vann