Archived Letter – 488

Dear Editor,
Thank you for your editorial about the Diamond Jubilee medals and the inappropriateness of some of the recipients.

I was surprised to see the number of letters to the editor that criticized you for your stand.

Recognition should be given to those who have gone beyond the call of duty in their service for the good of the community and not to those who would try to remove the legal civil rights of others with whom they disagree, be those gay rights or the right to choice.

I, for one, am heartsick that intelligent and normally compassionate people would feel that they had the right to excoriate women who have taken a very difficult and personal decision to have a legal procedure performed. Abortion is a last resort for most and who knows the emotional, financial, physical and situational problemns that may force a woman into this position? Do we really want to return to the days of the backstreet abortionist, the dangers of the wire coat hanger,the unsterile conditions that caused so many deaths and horrid mutilations? No one is coerced into having an abortion, but neither may anyone remove the rights of the rest of womankind to control their bodies and their futures.

Bravo for your stand.
Judith Gunter

Judith Gunter