Archived Letter – 466

Dear Editor
Recently I purchased a new printer from a vendor here in town.Came the time to pay an additional cost was added of
$11.45(BTW prior to January the additional cost would have been $5.40)plus tax to purchase the printer.I asked why the additional cost and was told that the Ontario Government demands that the addition be added other wise no sale.
I asked what is the name of this Government addition and was told OES fees.I asked beside the additional cost what does OES mean and where does the money go and what is the money used for. I was told “something to do with the environment”. Well I mentioned that if I am going to rid my self of an electrical item The item will go to the growing number of people who will accept them and do what they do with them at a profit.
The larger the item purchased the OES cost rises. I wonder if this phantom programme is designed to help bring the budget lower.
There is a consideable amount of money we are talking about province wide. Me thinks the minister of consumer affairs ought to report on how much and where has the money gone during the years this phantom programme has been in existance.
Ombudsman ought to research this topic also.

Robert Ward

Robert Ward