Archived Letter – 452

To the editor: Do you remember when teachers, nurses, police officers and fire fighters mismanaged billions of dollars, and then took a federal buyout to avoid bankruptcy? Yeah. Me neither. How many of you remember a teacher who coached your sports team? Who ran field trips? Who sponsored lunchtime clubs? Who took time to listen to you if you had trouble at home? Who quietly paid for your art supplies because your family couldnt afford them? Who gave you a ride home when it was raining? Who recommended you for an award at commencement? Who stayed in at lunch to give you extra help when you were struggling? None of these tasks are part of a teachers official job but these things are what make the job worth it in the end. Not the paycheque. Yes, a rotating strike by teachers will hurt kids. For one day. If you earn minimum wage thank a union. If you get vacation pay thank a union. If you earn overtime pay when you work more than 44 hours a week thank a union. If your kids dont have to work before age 14 thank a union. If you receive benefits thank a union. If you have a pension thank a union. If you remember a teacher who helped you who believed in you who made a difference in your life even ONE teacher who did this for you or for one of your kids support them! They need to hear from you now more than ever.

Sarah Rowan