Archived Letter – 424

Dear Editor: I recently learned that my sister Michelle Reay and her family of Minden, Ontario are going on a missions trip from Nov 28-Dec 5 to Nicaragua to install water purification systems. When my son, Stephen Moore grade 6 student at Minto Clifford learned about their trip he started saving all of his allowance so he could donate it to his Aunt for her missions trip. They need to raise $12,000 to go. He even did extra chores at the neighbors to earn extra money. When the neighbor, Curtis Dykstra learned what Stephen was doing he generously donated $100.00 to Stephen to add to his efforts. So Stephen saved up $150.00 of his own money and added the $100 from Curtis and donated $250.00 to his Aunt for her trip. We are very proud of Stephen for all his hard work and wish my sister Michelle, her husband Jason and their daughters Micheon and Alabama a safe and successful trip to Nicaragua!

Laura Moore