Archived Letter – 419

Dear Editor: We have just learned that after all these months that the MOE has granted a 30 day extension to the existing Nestl permit to take water in Hillsburgh, which expired August 31, 2012. This development prompts us to speculate on the reasons for this decision. 1. Is it because of the severe drought that we are experiencing and the MOE is concerned about the public’s perception? With several nearby communities imposing water restrictions…and it just does not look right?! 2. Is it because the MOE is simply “negotiating” with Nestle, and if so, why? 3. Is it because the location of the well is so very close to the boundary of the Credit and Grand Rivers and there is the issue of transferring water in bulk from one watershed to another, which is prohibited? 4. Is it because the MOE is actually considering that perhaps the whole concept of Permits To Take Water (PTTWs) for the purposes of bottled water, does indeed, contradict its own Statement of Environmental Values? Are you guessing #1? Nick Green Friends of Hillsburgh Water

Nick Green