Archived Letter – 354

Sound economic management, eh? The Auditor General has determined that the Harper government failed to follow proper process and do its due diligence in the procurement of F35 fighter jets. Further, he found the government to have misled Parliament and Canadians about the true costs, in spite of knowing the costs two years ago. In the best case scenario, the additional cost is $10 Billion, not small change by any definition! If Harper was in Opposition, you can bet hed be jumping all over the government. Instead, we continue to witness the tactics of this government – spin, dismiss, denounce, denigrate and attack. You, I and future generations would pay at least $10 billion more for the jets had the AG not spelled out the facts. In the business world, Harper, MacKay, Fantino, Ambrose and a whole lot of others would stop bragging about their sound economic management because they would most certainly be fired. Shouldnt those same rules apply to this government? Pat Martin Rockwood ON

Pat Martin