Archived Letter – 338

This spring, a swiss multinational company will be renewing its permit to take Hillsburgh water. As a departure point, we need not highlight the spotted record of this company across the globe nor discuss the merits of bottling water for profit or what implications this might hold for families here and abroad. Early in this conversation, it is important to distinguish amongst voices that will be weighing in on the issue. There are two main categories: one legitimate, one not so. Legitimacy lies with those that speak on behalf of the community, it speaks locally, perhaps with an eye to the global, and generally, it is from the heart. The other sort of voice is the voice that speaks and is paid handsomely for what it says. It speaks on behalf of shareholders elsewhere. It tends to read with interest, and it is always slick. So this spring, I urge us all to avoid distraction by the endless details and half-truths from people outside of our community. When speaking up, I suggest a brief introduction, and let your local voice carry its rightful weight in the discussion. My name is Christopher Green. I grew up in Cedar Valley on 5th line of Erin, moved to the first, and now my family and I live downstream on the Eramosa river.