Archived Letter – 334

I found it very interesting that Michael Chong considered your informative article to be fear mongering because it presented the fact that OAS will be reduced. But he then turns it into a defense of his government’s actions. He didn’t however even try to defend the excessive pensions that you mentioned MP’s receive for so little time actually worked. Michael, by your government extending the age of qualification, it is TAKING BENEFITS AWAY from seniors. How do you not think that this is not the case? Maybe not the ones lucky enough to be retired now or the ones retiring shortly, but it is for those who are affected in the future. In addition how is stating that fact fear mongering? He spoke about his government being responsible by taking action now but why is reducing the eligibility age his government’s only option? If they abolished the Senate, all of that wasted money could go to supporting the aging population; rather than just a few connected individuals. What about the BILLION his government wasted on the big party that trashed Toronto; that contribution by 2030 would have helped. If your government was more proactive when the recession hit and cut spending, the deficit that your government created would be far less and there would be more room to help aging Canadians. Your excessive pensions are not affected and they should be if you expect other Canadians to live on less and they should definitely be clawed back when you you double dip at the government trough.

David Bonk