Archived Letter – 281

Title: Recycling Embarrassment I have been meaning to write a letter to editor regarding this issue for a long time but, part of me assumed that something would have been done by now. I am writing in regards to the lack of recycling in the town of Fergus. A fellow employee of mine was up for the truck show last weekend and noted that he was surprised there was absolutely no recycling bins at the Fergus Recreation Center. I have noticed this travesty in the past but when he mentioned it to me, I felt it was time to start taking some action. Just imagine how much plastic bottles and cans are in landfills from years of Truck Shows, Highland Games and other community events simply because Fergus does not supply recycling bins. There are none at the arena, ball diamonds or soccer fields. In this day and age of environmental awareness, the township should be ashamed that this is even an issue at this point. Is there not enough tax dollars coming in to supply long over due recycling for public areas? It comes down to lack of initiative and irresponsibility. I would encourage residents to contact the mayor’s office and local MP so we can get something done about this in short order.

shawn adams