Archived Letter – 1468

Dear Editor,

GET concerned would like to thank the residents of Guelph-Eramosa Township (GET) for supporting our campaign against the proposed Xinyi float glass plant in the location the corporation had chosen, and for standing together as a community behind councillor David Wolk when he asked GET Council to uphold our existing ‘dry use’ by-law.

Mr. Wolk proved himself an ‘old school’ politician who listened to constituents, asked relevant questions, did his research and responded to residents’ concerns by taking necessary action to ensure our Council demonstrated their legal and political responsibilities to GET residents.

GET concerned is deeply grateful to Mr. Wolk for his determination and perseverance, but acknowledge that Township residents must remain vigilant to ensure we protect the ongoing supply and quality of our drinking water, the rural environment we are lucky to live in, and the remarkable landscapes of our Township.

With sincere thanks –
Susan McSherry

Susan McSherry