Archived Letter – 1464

New 60km/hr zone on Cty Rd #7. Who was the rocket surgeon that thought this was a great idea? Traveling North or South this new zone is located in the valley between the recently added passing zones, which were added to help with the flow of traffic. The proximity to the passing zone when traveling north is just silly. The passing lane ends just before the crest in the hill and traffic is now expected to get on the brakes for the 60 zone. I’m sure the Trucker’s are just tickled pink with this new setup. Hey anyone else have the pleasure of getting stuck behind a Transport that can’t make it out of either of the valleys in the winter due to road conditions? Regardless, this valley now has the same speed limit as the school zone at Ponsonby School, for what, the one side road? Seriously? Whomever made this decision needs to find a new job before we end up with a 3-way stop in the next valley.

Tom Dickinson