Archived Letter – 1414

To the people of Erin.
Thank you for another successful “Trees For Erin” event on Saturday April 28th, in which 6000 trees were made available free of charge to Erin residents through the Wellington County Green Legacy program. This is the 12th year for this event, so more than 60,000 trees have come to Erin through it.
Many thanks to Avery & Vali Glover who came out to handle the large amount of food bank donations. Also, Janet Blanchard, Trevor Crystal, Erin Montgomery along with Town of Erin staff, Nathan Hyde, Lisa Campion & Talal Latif who helped with the distribution Saturday morning.
On Friday afternoon Roy Val & grandson Nathan Zietsma, Jay Mowat, Lloyd Turbitt, Trevor Crystal, Erin Montgomery and my grandson Alex Brennan sorted all the trees in preparation for the event.
Also on hand Saturday morning were members of the ESAC committee with rain barrels and turtle crossing signs for sale and the Erin Fire Department’s education officer Wendy Swackhamer with fire mascot Marshall handing out fire safety messages to all.
And thanks to the Erin Roads crew and Superintendent Greg Delfosse for preparing and making the sand dome available for our use.
See you next year!

Councillor John Brennan

John Brennan