Archived Letter – 1241

Mapleton Fake News

i read with interest the responses of current Mapleton ToWnship staff and council to “Developers offer of surcharge” and note the following:

-the excuse of MOE key contact retirement- the CAO’s lack of full attention to the matter retirements or not is the issue probably due to so many key staff leaving our Township(check with staff who have left and councilors who conducted these staff’s exit interviews for the reasons said staff left)

-on third party funding of sewage plant expansion- capital spending on Township Maintenance shed, Moorefield community centre etc etc have put Township in the position of not being able to self direct finances for the size of sewage plant expansion proposed

-on the director of finance providing funding plan-current Council needs to be accountable for Township financial situation-not staff

-on “bringing this project further along than it been in 16 years” – during the tenure of this council the sewage plant capacity/allotment has actually been reduced and Township must now rely on third party funding for proposed expansion. That is ineptness not progress

Current council and CAO do not have the skills required to bring to this matter

john mohle

john mohle