Archived Letter – 1088

Dear LGBTQ community
With regards to pending Bill C-16, please tell me how you have not been protected under the current Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code. How has current law not convicted anyone who has harmed you? Are you seeking punishment for those that express disagreement with your lifestyle although they don’t verbally threaten your safety or your life? Have you expressed disagreement with the lifestyle of heterosexuals? According to C-16, the act protects any section of the public that is distinguished by gender identity or expression. Another part mentions all individuals. Does that not make you equally guilty of an offence if you comment negatively against someone not your gender?
What about the Church? Do not fool yourselves into thinking The Church, as a whole, is your enemy! How many churches have you attended? Are you basing your judgement without attending any or after just attending one? Did you quit drinking water after tasting some that wasn’t to your liking? Did you quit looking for friends after being rejected by one? If the answer to these questions is No, then why not try other churches. Granted, not all will welcome you, much to their shame! Some, realizing they are no better than you, will however. Will they have a different view of your lifestyle than you? Probably, yes. That is not condemnation of you. Do each of your friends agree 100% with you on everything? I think not but I bet they are still your friends.

The basic secularist whom you may attach yourself to may be your worst enemy! Have you ever known an enemy to
make their true identity known? What if all this attention you are getting actually makes you a target to some
that want to harm you although they didn’t want to before because you remained more in the background?

If you wish to address your comments to me individually, feel free to pass them to the editor and they can forward them on to me.

Mike Benson

Mike Benson