Archived Letter – 1033

Prepare yourselves for the largest tax grab of this century.
Under the Federal and Provincial government’s climate change agenda every family in Ontario will pay hundreds of dollars a year in costs for basic needs including gasoline, electricity home heating fuel and more. Under there carbon cap and trade policy our economy will be under pressure to meet new standards that will cause an increase of many products. All of this will not affect average world temperatures even a fraction of a degree. Over the past 150 years the Co2 in the atmosphere has increased from 280 ppm to 380 ppm but according to NASA’s RSS satellite data the average temperature of the earth has not increase even a fraction of a degree for the past 19 years. The information is out there yet those who promote the global warming agenda will not tell you this. Why? I believe trusting flawed science from the UN regarding global warming. Do you believe as some say that the debate is overabout global warming? True science is always open to be challenged. You must decide but before you do research both sides of the issue. Like me, you may be surprised at what you discover. With all the billions of dollars of waist from the Ontario’s Liberal government over the past few years be prepared to experience the largest waist of public money in Canadian history.It will be the Federal and Provincial Liberal’s policies that will be responsible for this. It’s time to wake up people. This is not what we elected them to do. If we do not ask these important questions and hold them to account who will?

Daniel Kelly