Archived Letter – 1032

Re: Sex-Ed concerns, Slippery Slope and Killing is killing April 1
Mike Benson is correct when he says the Creator will deal with those exposing our innocent children to the new and depraved sex-ed curriculum.
The same can be said about those performing or agreeing to “assisted suicide”, “physician-assisted dying”, “end of life care” or “voluntary eugenics”. Who in their right mind would ever have thought that a physician could be prosecuted and punished for refusing to commit first degree murder??
We must get involved and support the people who are most vulnerable. Seniors, the disabled, the mentally ill,confused “responsible minors”, the doctors and nurses who reject this type of “care”. We are not allowed to sit this one out on our duffs.
Write your MP, the College of Nurses, the College of Physicians and Surgeons,the Ministry of Health, contact spiritual advisors and the newspapers, get out to The March for Life in Ottawa on May 12th.
We will not escape the wrath of the God either if we sit on our hands and do nothing.

Doreen Henschel
Rockwood ON

Doreen Henschel