Archived Letter – 1019

Dear editor

As we are all aware, driving is a privilege, not a right. But, there are many people who do not give the first priority to safety. Rather, they drive like participants of a Formula One race. Instead of looking out for other vehicles and pedestrians, many drivers are in a rush to get to their destination.

This is very concerning for me since I am a fairly new driver and I do not like driving among racers. While driving on the streets of Guelph, I find many people driving far beyond the speed limit, which puts their vehicle very close to mine. I find this very disturbing because I am afraid that the close tailgaters may end up rear ending my vehicle. This is a nuisance especially on single lane roads because I am not able to change the lane to avoid the tailgaters.

I really hope to see careful drivers on the road for public safety and to set an example for new drivers.

Aisha A