Archived Letter – 1011

Re: ‘Human Catastrophe’, Feb. 26, 16
This letter is in response to the letter ‘Human Catastrophe’, printed on February 26. Ashley; do you, or have you ever had a pet? When this creature is ill and near the end of its life, will you watch it suffer for weeks on end, letting your beloved pet struggle and be in pain? Or do you do the compassionate and humane thing, and take it to the vet for humane euthanasia? Assuming you’re not completely heartless and answered humane euthanasia: how is it any different with a beloved family member? If you are like me and have watched a family member or friend (or client even, as I volunteer with a hospice) deteriorate to the point of being bedridden and needing assistance to do tasks we take for granted, like use the washroom and eat (if they are even able to swallow), you would understand that medical-aided death is a very necessary thing. These are not people who have decided on a whim to kill themselves. These are people who are in immense pain, paying incredible amounts of money for treatment and have thought this very tough decision through. Who are you to tell them no, just because you don’t think it’s something your ‘God’ would like? The legislation that will allow medical-aided death this year only allows for those over the age of 18, who are experiencing a life-limiting illness that is incurable and causing them immense pain to be candidates for the procedure. Your claims that this will cause a “legal mass murder” are unfounded and ridiculous. Don’t even get me started on your ignorant view on abortion – your religion and opinions have no business being in my (or any other woman’s) uterus except your own. Don’t like abortion? Don’t have one. Don’t like the idea of dying a peaceful, medical-assisted death? Fine, don’t do it. Nobody is forcing you to undergo either of these procedures, but everybody deserves a choice. I truly hope that none of your family members goes through this ordeal, but I do believe if they did, you might think differently.

Madeleine Halpert