Learn water colour painting at Mimosa United Church

Learn basic water colour painting techniques in a social setting at Mimosa United Church.

Come enjoy coffee with friends and enjoy the relaxing art of painting.

Participants will create several projects using a variety of water colour techniques including hand painted holiday cards.

There will be two sessions running from 7 to 9pm. The first is on Nov. 30 and the second is on Dec. 7.

Each will take place at  Mimosa United Church at 9680 Wellington Road 26.

Each session costs $20.

Paints, brushes and paper will be supplied.

Instructor June Switzer is donating her time. All proceeds above the cost of supplies will be given to Erin and Rockwood Food banks.

Call 519-855-4201 or email jswitzer@sentex.net by  Nov. 28 to book a spot.
