Landowner proposes Rockwood Tim Hortons

A local landowner has proposed a Tim Hortons restaurant on the northeast side of Alma Street (Highway 7) in Rockwood.

Robert Eilers, joined by his consultant Bruce Donaldson, told council on Jan. 2 about plans for a Tim Hortons on his property at 216 to 222 Alma Street, beside an existing Esso gas station.

“This is a full-blown, 3,000 square foot sit-down [restaurant],” Eilers said.

Noting the plans are “incredibly preliminary,”  he and Donaldson explained they want a commitment from council that it will work with them, as well as with the Ministry of Transportation (MTO), to ensure the property has access from Passmore Street North.

While often used, that road allowance is technically not open to provide access from Alma Street.

Eilers would like the allowance opened to permit a driveway to the restaurant because MTO officials want to restrict access from Alma Street to a west bound right-hand turn lane only.

Donaldson explained Eilers is willing to cover all costs associated with improvements to Alma Street (to provide a left turn lane onto Passmore) and also on Passmore – and the best time to do that is while the MTO is undertaking improvements on Alma Street.

However, since that work would be very expensive, Donaldson wants some assurance council would agree to open the road allowance.

Council approved a resolution stating it would forward the request to township staff, as well as its solicitor and planner for comment.

Councillor Doug Breen said the municipality also needs to ensure Esso’s business would not be harmed by the move.

“This is step one of a million,” Breen noted, explaining there will plenty of opportunities to answer specific questions about the proposal.

Public outcry helped derail plans to bring a Tim Hortons to Rockwood almost a decade ago.
