It”™s time to Connect CW and have a say in community issues

As part of Centre Wellington’s strategic plan to create opportunities for citizen dialogue on community issues and new ways for residents to get involved in the decisions that affect them, staff have introduced – Connect CW – for residents to learn more about major projects and provide input, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from home, work or even the park.

The goal is to empower residents to be more active in shaping their community and its future.

“We have been working hard to improve two-way communication with our community,” said Mayor Kelly Linton.

“CW Connect is another way that we continue to open the doors of government to our citizens. Engaged communities are strong communities.”

As with any public meeting and process, input from Connect CW along with other channels of participation will be used for consideration in projects such as the Transportation Master Plan and Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan.

Connect CW online tools will be used in conjunction with traditional in-person community engagement to ensure meaningful dialogue occurs between residents, stakeholders and the township on major projects.

Residents are encouraged to sign into the site and start sharing their thoughts and opinions about projects that affect them. By taking part, residents will be helping make Centre Wellington a better place to work, play and live in. Visit, and connect today at

