Insights exhibition turns 30 this year

One of the longest running juried art exhi­bitions in Ontario showcases works of art from emerging and established artists from Well­ington County and the surroun­ding five counties.

Organized and sponsored by the Elora Arts Council, Insights opens on June 18 at Wellington County Museum and Archives.

Ranging from the serious alongside the whimsical, tradi­tional in partnership with ex­ploratory, three-dimensional juxt­aposed with delicate line drawings and fine stitchery –  Insights provides a wealth of opportunities to see local art at its best.

With over 300 works sub­mitted for consideration, only 70 pieces are chosen by the jurors. This year they are award-winning visual artists Chris Ahlers, Mike Hayes, and Tanya Zaryski.

The opening reception is on June 17 from 8 to 10pm at the Wellington County Museum, between Fergus and Elora.

A special award will be presented this year by the In­sights committee members in cele­bration of the 30th anni­versary.  The exhibit runs until Lab­our Day, Sept. 7.

The muse­um is open weekdays from 9:30am to 4:30pm and weekends and holidays – noon to 4pm.

For more information visit and www.­arts­ or phone 519-846-0916.


