Healthy horses, good practises can protect water resources on the land

Those fortunate enough to have a creek, wetland or seasonal water course running through their pasture likely have already taken steps to fence out horses, provide an alternative drinking water source, and naturalize the ribbon of land along it with native trees and shrubs.

By taking action and stewardship of the land in that positive way, owners are ensuring their horses have a safe clean source of drinking water, limiting the risks associated with walking up and down unstable creek slopes and of course, protecting the natural environment.

The natural vegetation along a creek or waterway contributes to the healthy watershed guidelines targeted by Conservation Authorities across the province. Science says having 75 per cent of a stream’s length naturally vegetated with a 30 metre wide buffer, is ideal for watershed health.

If the majority of plant species in that buffer are native, it will attract birds that will consume nuisance insects.  

In addition to the birds, landowners will also attract beneficial insects to pollinate crops. Some of those insects also provide sustenance for the fish found in the local creek or waterway.

Owners could stop right there with an impressive list of environmental benefits from maintaining a natural buffer on the land, but there is another very important service it provides to watershed health.  

Horse urine and manure can contain a variety of synthetic and natural medications that horses receive as part of their general health care.  Those end up in manure piles, pastures and other areas of the farm and are eventually carried by surface water to the local stream or water course.

While the research on the effects of those medications on aquatic communities is in the early stages of development, fisheries biologists are reporting significant concerns.

Common de-worming medications may pose serious health threats to aquatic species. Vegetation buffers along a watercourse provide a natural solution to trapping those contaminants and contributing to improving overall watershed health.

To find out more about stewardship programs available to help improve the natural buffers around water features on your land, contact the local Conservation Authority.   

If unsure which of the 36 Conservation Authorities in Ontario to contact, check the provincial map and contact listing on the Conservation Ontario website at

For more information visit

Patricia Lowe is with the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority
