Guelph Tool Library looking for local businesses to donate old laptops for its Circular Computer Project

GUELPH – The Guelph Tool Library launched the Circular Computer Project on June 23 with the mission to refurbish and redistribute used laptops to individuals in need. 

This program, which will run yearly, is dedicated to accepting laptops from businesses and local organizations, which are then serviced and tested by the team of volunteers in preparation for distribution through the Digital Equity Coalition. 

The Guelph Tool Library piloted this project with RWDI Consulting, who generously donated five laptops, which were then inspected and refurbished by tool library volunteers. 

Through the coordination of the Digital Equity Coalition, the Circular Computer Project ensures that the refurbished laptops reach those who require them the most. 

Previous recipients of these laptops include local organizations such as the Guelph Community Health Centre Shelldale and Your Downtown Guelph Friends. 

By providing access to essential technology, the Circular Computer Project and its partners strive to empower individuals, organizations, and the community at large.

While not accepting public donations directly, the project actively seeks partnerships with businesses interested in contributing. 

Registration is not required as the focus is on refurbishing and redistributing laptops to pre-identified recipients. 

The Circular Computer Project aligns with the Guelph Tool Library’s mission of building community resilience by engaging its members in sharing knowledge, skills and resources. 

Tool library coordinator John Dennis, says the Guelph Tool Library has been upcycling and repairing electronics for a few years, and this project is a “natural extension” of this work.

“We do regular repairs of electronics at our Repair Cafes and the Good Call Program has processed and redistributed over 150 phones,” he said.

With the Circular Computer Project, “our goal is to take laptops that are no longer needed by local businesses and work with our community partners to distribute them to those that need them in Guelph.”

The Circular Computer Project has set a specific goal to refurbish and redistribute 75 laptops in the upcoming year. 

This objective aims to make a tangible impact on digital equity by providing individuals in need with access to essential technology. By refurbishing these laptops, the project extends their lifespan, reduces electronic waste, and promotes sustainability. 

The team is committed to meticulously refurbishing each device to ensure they meet quality standards and effectively meet the needs of their recipients. 

Project lead Mike Caldwell notes, “Access to digital resources is quickly becoming a necessity in today’s ever-connected world, and should be a right for everyone. 

“Through the Circular Computer Project, we strive to bring that right to more and more people by giving them access to the tools they need.”

How to help

Businesses interested in partnering with the project and donating laptops should visit visit the tool library’s  website at  to learn more about how to make a meaningful impact. 

While the project is not currently accepting public laptop donations directly, or distributing them to the general public, your support and engagement are crucial in helping the tool library achieve its mission of promoting digital equity. 

“Together, we can bridge the digital divide and empower individuals with access to essential technology,” organizers state.