Guelph-Eramosa seeks feedback on Rockmosa Park concepts

Guelph-Eramosa Township is inviting community members to pick their favourite draft concept for the Rockmosa Park expansion.

Three concepts were designed by the Township’s consulting firm, IBI Group, based on public input from the Community Design Workshop held at Rockmosa Community Centre on Sept. 23 and through Mindmixer, the online and interactive tool that the township has used for this project.

“A lot of great ideas were shared by our community members,” said Robin Milne, director of parks and recreation. “I am really excited about the concepts the consultants prepared and look forward to hearing the community’s opinion on each concept.”

Residents can provide their input on the park concepts by joining the online Mindmixer conversation at or in person at the public open house on Nov. 17 at the Rockmosa Older Adult Centre, inside the Rockwood Library, from 5:30  to 8:30pm.

Feedback on each concept will be taken into consideration when a final Rockmosa Park Master Plan is prepared and presented to Council on Dec.7.

For more information, contact Milne at 519-856-9596 ext. 110 or at
