Guelph-Eramosa receives up to $225,000 in funding through Clean Water Wastewater Fund

Guelph-Eramosa has received funding from the Clean Water Wastewater Fund to complete the Valley Road to Richardson Street watermain connection.

“That was identified back when we did the financial plan for the water system for the water rate study and for our licensing and it was a connection to provide some redundancy in Rockwood,” director of public works Harry Niemi told council on June 19.

“That was identified to be covered through some capital funding in the rate study but when the Clean Water Wastewater Fund came up we made the application back in October 2016 so that we could fast forward this project to get this critical project done.”

Niemi expected to hear about the funding in January but did not learn Guelph-Eramosa was approved until May 25.

‘A good News story’

The federal government will fund 50% of the project to a maximum of $150,000 and the provincial government will fund 25% of the project to a maximum of $75,000.

“Anything over and above that would be from us,” Niemi said.

Niemi anticipates he will be bringing tenders to the July 10 council meeting as the project must be completed by March 31 next year.

“It’s absolutely a good News story,” said Mayor Chris White. “Anything that helps to keep the rates down is more than welcome …

“It gives us that fire redundancy stuff that we need so all around kudos to you and your staff.”

