Guelph-Eramosa deems two events municipally significant

Recently Guelph-Eramosa council has deemed two events municipally significant and granted three noise bylaw extensions.


On June 19 Guelph-Eramosa council deemed the Rockmosa Skatepark grand opening on Aug. 3 a municipally significant event.

The event will have a licensed beer garden along with a professional skate demonstration, food trucks, face painting, a live performance by the Tragically Hip cover band The Practically Hip, bouncy castles and an after-dark movie.

At the same meeting council also deemed this year’s Pirate Festival a municipally significant event. The Pirate Festival will take place over the August long weekend from Aug. 5 to 7.

Both events will also be licensed.

Noise bylaw

Guelph-Eramosa council granted noise bylaw exemptions for three separate weddings in the township this year.

The first is on July 8 on Wellington Road 29 near Barrie Hill. The exemption will run until 1am.  

The second will take place on Aug. 12 on Lowrie Lane in Eden Mills. The exemption will run until 2am.

The third is on Sept. 23 on Jessica Lane north of Guelph. The exemption will run until 1am.

For each of the noise bylaw exemptions the OPP will be notified and the applicant will provide notice to their neighbours.

