Guelph Arts Council has new youth award

The Guelph Arts Council has announced the second year for the Youth Opportunities award is made possible through the fund at The Guelph Community Foundation.

The award will assist local artists, not-for-profit groups and youth to initiate, enhance or expand opportunities for children and youth to experience or become engaged in the arts.

Those eligible to apply for this award include:    

– any local artist or not-for-profit group that offers or proposes to offer a program that will initiate, enhance or expand opportunities for children and youth under age 25  to experience or become engaged in the arts in Guelph or Wellington County.  Groups could include established arts organizations, neighbourhood groups, community groups, multicultural groups, educational institutions, student groups.

– any local youth who proposes to develop a program that will initiate, enhance or expand opportunities for children and youth under age 25 to experience or become engaged in the arts in Guelph or Wellington County.

Preference will be given to applicants who have a proven record of being able to effectively initiate, enhance or expand programming to a youth audience, or who are associated with an organization or institution whose mandate includes the arts and youth development. Partnerships will be encouraged.

Proposed projects should respond to identified gaps or needs in the community and offer evidence that they will truly initiate, enhance or expand opportunities for children or youth to experience or become engaged in the arts in Guelph or Wellington County. Projects should also be innovative, original and creative. 

The amount of the awards will vary depending upon income generated by the Guelph Arts Council Youth Opportunities Fund at The Guelph Community Foundation.  For 2010, up to $300 is available.

Applications must be received no later than Oct. 29. Decisions will be made by the Guelph Arts Council youth awards committee, and awards announced before the end of the calendar year

For more information or obtain an application form, contact the Guelph Arts Council office at 147 Wyndham Street North – Suite 404, Guelph, Ontario  N1H 4E9, phone 519-836-3280, or email: Applications are also available at

